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Bill Edwards Receives 2022 Kusik Award

Ruth Bass

Bill Edwards, center, is the 2022 recipient of the Charles and Mary Kusik Citizenship Award, presented on September 10 at the pie social sponsored by the Richmond Land Trust and Richmond Historical Society.

Richmond native Bill Edwards is the 2022 recipient of the Charles and Mary Kusik Citizenship Award, presented on September 10 at the pie social sponsored by the Richmond Land Trust and Richmond Historical Society. He received a plaque, and his name will be added to the companion plaque at Town Hall.

He traces his lifetime interest in history – local, especially – the day someone toured the Richmond Iron Works furnace site with him. He was 10 years old. Years later, he delved into the history and mechanisms of the furnace system and led popular tours of the site. The remaining stone structure from the town’s mining days is on private land.

Bill also studied grist and saw mills in the area, inventoried all the records in the town vault and photographed beams and other details of historic houses and barns in town. He has also photographed all of the gravestones in town. For six years, he worked with the National Register of Historic Places.

He is a member of the Richmond Historical Commission, appointed by the Selectmen, and recently became president of the Richmond Historical Society. He is a steward of the Northeast Schoolhouse, which is owned by the society. The Kusik award is given in recognition of outstanding civic commitment and contribution to the town.

Bob and Betty Gniadek, as the most recent Kusik awardees, made the presentation to Bill. The Gniadeks officially received their Kusik plaque at the pie social with John Hanson making the presentation. They were named in 2021, but celebration was delayed because the pie social was canceled last year.

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